
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maha vihara Alms - hall - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Situated closer to the Loha prasadaya and Maha Thupa , the Maha Vihara alms-hall has been constructed in the 3td century B.C, by King Pe Tis (Devanam piyaTissa). This is considered to be the alms-hall known as "Catussala" of the MahaVihara monks.ln the 2nd century A.D. this. hall was renovated according to the architecture of Minhintal a alms -hall by King vasabha. On the northern side of this hall, a stone rice trough of about 45 feet long can be seen, which appears to cater to about 3000 monks at a time.

ape urumaya, Our Endowment, apekama, Maha vihara Alms - hall

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